50/50 Partnership Programme
We handle the hard work for you. You focus on selling while we take care of all the tedious administrative tasks behind the scenes.
Great things in business are never done by one person; they’re done by a team of people.

3 Steps
The simplest way to start a business as a fitness training provider
You could Gegenrate around £363,000 Per Year
Simple method to generate money for YOU!
Dimploma in Personal Training
- £216,000 Per Year
- £1,500 Per Person
- 12 Sales
Range of Other Qualifications
- £72,000 Per Year
- £300 Per Person
- 20 Sales
Range of CPD's Across Fitness
- £75,000 Per Year
- £125 Per Person
- 50 Sales
OSL will mark all the course for you. You focus on creating your brand
50/50 Partnership
Build a brand with experts to support you

You have more flexibility than you know
Unleash your unique potential to create your dream course. Your personality, passion, philosophy and drive make it truly special.